Caramel Bundt Cake fresh from the oven

There are few kitchen disasters as frustrating as a bundt cake that sticks to the pan. Take these steps and you won’t have that problem again!

  1. Start with a pan you trust. If you’re extra nervous, you can even use a non-stick bundt pan.
  2. Generously grease the pan with a baking spray made with flour. “Baker’s Joy” and “PAM Baking” are both good options. Make sure you grease every bit of the pan. (You can also use butter/shortening + flour.)
  3. Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes. (Do not let the cake cool completely in the pan.)
  4. Gently “bounce” the pan up and down to loosen the cake while it’s still warm. If all edges of the cake bounce out of the pan slightly, I know I don’t have any sticking parts.
  5. Place a cooling rack on top of the bundt pan, then turn it all upside down.
  6. Remove the pan. If the cake seems to be sticking, give it a few side-to-side wiggles.